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Arts and Crafts

This section contains a few photos of arts/ crafts taken around some craft centres. There are a lot more photos and possibilities of obtaining these objects to enrich your collection. Contact us for more information at


Arts and Crafts


1. Decorated calabash with cowries
from the sea. This is a typical
originality of the people of the Western
Grassfields of Cameroon. These serve
as household utensils and gifts offered
to notables or brides during ceremonies.


2. Decoration made of Indian Bamboo
and rattan harvested from the forest.


5. painting reflecting the Image of a
man in his eighties.(arts by Fongang)


4. An African Map drawn with sea shells and bordered
with polished wood.

5. Cloth made from local cotton and dyed using
local products. Sewn in a typical African fashion.


6. Locally made dulls on exposition at the Yaounde
trade fare of December 2008.


7. Stool made of hard Tropical wood and marked
with cowries, a symbol of wealth. Only notables
and people of high regard in society can own such chairs.


8. Bags made of raffia palm fibre in Bamessing village.