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1. ACHIDI B.A (1999) : Raffia palm management in Santa Sub-Division,North West Province   Cameroon ,D.I.P.E.S II, ENS Yaounde .103 p
2   AKENDO .I.N,(1998): The environmental resources and associated development  
      problems of  wetlands; a case study of Bamunka .35 p
3.  BANDE, W.N (1994) :The production and marketing of raffia wine in Batibo Sub-Division,  D.I.P.E.S. II Dissertation, E.N.S Yaounde .89 P
4. Barreteau, D. (1991): Man and vegetation in the lake Chad Basin, ORSTOM. 208p.                                
5. BENJAMIN A.N(2005):Initiation á la recherche :une nécessité professionnelle.               ĽUCAC ,Yaounde.179 p
6. BERGERET .B.(1957) :Prēliminaire à ľétude du vin de palm au Cameroun .Extr.Medicine Tropicale.Vol.7.No 6, Paris.25 p
7. BERNARD. R.H (1989) : Research  methods in cultural anthropology, Sage Publications, London. 520p
8. BONGADZEM C.S. (2007): Transhumance and its socio-economic implications on the wetlands of Ndop Central Subdivision, Maîtrise dissertation,University of Yaounde .115p.
9.  BOUTRAIS .J. (1974) Etude ďune zone de transhumance : La Plain de Ndop (Cameroun), ORSTOM. 163 p
10. CARDON J.P(1975) :Etude ďune palmale :Raphia farinifera(Gaerth Hylander) du Plateau Bamelé-Cameroun.Mémoire D.E.A Université des Sciences et techniques de Lille.56p
11. CHI, C.H (1990): The basis of a local wine enterprise: a synthesis .MINAGRI, Yaounde, Cameroon. 35 P
12. De loucas. (1994) : Le Nord-ouest du pays Bamoun : une etude géographique des consequences du barrage de Bamendjin sur l’environnement naturel et humain, DESS, dept.  Geography, university of Yaounde. 117 p
13.DUMA F.G(1999) : Agro-Pastoral activities :Their socio-economic and environmental impact  in Balikumbat  sub-Division (Ngoketunjia) D.I.P.E.S II,University of yaounde I.172 p
14. Egbe, N.T. (1978): Yaounde lakes and their utilization, end of term paper, dept. Geography, university of Yaounde. 20 p
15. EGBE.N.T(1979) :The assessment of a rural economy :A case study of the Keaka of Mamfe west.Maîtrise dissertation,University of Yaounde .67 P
16. ELODIE ROBERT (2007): La creation d’un lac de barrage en milieu tropical: Impacts naturel et anthropiques, l’example de la Mape (Cameroun), Memoire Master 2, Dept. Geographie, Université Denis Diderot-Paris 7.90p.
17. F.A.O (2001):Non-wood forest products programme. non-wood forest products in Africa   :A regional and national overview.F.A.O,Rome,Working paper.FopW/01/1.2003 p
18. FOGWE Z.N (1990):The Ndop-Sabga great erosional Arc: physical milieu ,Land use  and erosional risks. Maîtrise dissertation,University of Yaounde I.125 p
19. GEORGES .B (1961):Faune Tropicale:oiseaux de ľAfrique Tropicale .2eme partie .Librairie Larose, Paris. 309 p
20. GHOGOMU A.N, (2000): The exploitation of a natural resource: The case of fishing in Ndop-Central sud-Division. D.I.P.E.S II dissertation,University of Yaounde I  121 p
21. GREEN N.P (1984) :Biological science.2nd Edition,Cambridge University Press.971 p
22. HAWKINS.P and Brunt.M. (1965): The soils and ecology of west Cameroon (with special refernce to the Bamenda Area), FAO, N°2083, Rome
23.  IETC, (2000): Planning and Management of Lakes and Reservoirs: An integrated approach to eutrophisation, technical publication; series II. 239 p.
24. KAH E.F.(2006): The contribution of remote sensing in the evaluation of forest dynamics on the slopes of Mount Cameroon, TMGIE, UOB. 45p.
25. KISIFE D.M. (2006): Seasonal crop rotation and its socio-economic impacts in Bamunka Ndop, North west province, Cameroon, DI.PESS dissertation, ENS Yaounde.134p.
26. KNÖPFLI .H (2001) :Baskets and calabashes, palms and people ,crafts and technologies:Some traditional craftmen and women of the western Grassfields of Cameroon, Part 3,Bassel Mission, Switzerland. 156 p
27. KOGHAN. S.N. (2001): Change in ecological character of wetlands: the case of the Ber Plain in Bui Division, Maitrise dissertation, University of Yaounde I. 146p
28. KOGHAN. S.N. (2004) : Socio-economic and ecological implications of related land use practices on wetlands in the Ndop Flood Plain drainage basin- Upper Noun Valley- Cameroon, Maitrise dissertation, Department of Geography, University of Yaounde 1. 98 p
29. LACOSTE.A et al(1969) :Eléments de biogéographie et ďécologie, Université Nathan. 189 p
30. Letouzey, R. (1968) : Etude phytogéographique du Cameroun, Ve edition, Paris, Pub Paul lechavalier. 508 p
31. Letouzey, R. (1985) : Notice de la carte phytogéographique du Cameroun au  1/500000 ,  région afromontagnard et submontagnard , Toulouse, Institut de la carte internationale de la végétation. Pp27-62.
32. LUKONG J.N. (1990) : The resettlement process in the Upper Nun Valley (U.N.V), maitrise dissertation, dept. geography, University of Yaounde.83p.
33. Marie-Laure de Noray. (2002): Waza-Logone: histoires d’eaux et d’hommes, vivre dans la plaine inondable de Waza-Logone au Cameroun, UICN. 128 p
34. MASINI.J (1994) : Aprēs le sommet de la Terre :Débats sur le développement durable,PUF,Tome XXX-No.37,Revue Tiers-Monde .238 p
35. MBANGA L.A (2002): Local associations and rural development in Bamunka-Ndop Central sub-Division,North west Province, Cameroon.Maîtrise dissertation, University of Yaounde I. 136 P
36. MBANGA L.A (2004) :Community participation In Rural Development:The case of Ngoketunjia Division, North West Province-Cameroon. D.E.A  dissertation, University of Yaounde I. 97 p
37. MICHEL .L (1991) :Bulletin de liaison  du réseau  système écologiques Tropicaux  No.1,Info Tropiques,Mont Pellier .70 p
38. MINEE (2005) : Définition du processus d’élaboration du plan d’action de gestion intégrée des ressources en eau du Cameroun, MINEE Report. 45 p
39. MINFOF (2006) : Arreté N° 0648/ MINFOF du 18/12/2006 fixant la list des animaux des classes de protection A,B et C, MINFOF. 5p.
40. MINEPIA (2002): Divisional Delegation. annual report for livestock production and transhumance. 27 p
41. Morin, S. (1982) : Notes d’hydrographie et d’hydrologie Camerounaises, dept. Geography, university of Yaounde. 82 p
42. Mphoweh, J.N. (2005): The management of raphia palms in Bamunka-Ndop North west province, Cameroon. maitrise dissertation, dept. geography, university of Yaounde 1. 121 p
43. Nanfack, P. (1990): Problème de l’exploitation maraichère dans la Menoua: cas particulier des bas-fonds de Menoua-sud, Centre universitaire de Dschang. 26 p
44. N.G.L.S (1997): Implementing Agenda 21: NGO experiences from around the world, U.N report, N.G.L.S, New York. 176p
45. NGWA N.E (1979): Swamp rice production in the North West Province of Cameroon: A case study of agricultural innovation diffusion among traditional agrarian communities. Masters Thesis, University of Yaounde. 221p
46. NGWA. N.E. (1985): “Innovation Agencies and small holder Agriculture in the Upper Noun Basin and its Environs: A River Basin Approach” Doctorate Thesis, University of Yaounde.
47. NICK. S (2001): Adaptive management: A tool for conservation practitioners. B.S.P, Washington. 54p
48. NKWEMOH C.A (1999): The impact of agro-Pastoral activities on the physical environment of the Mezam-Ngoketunjia area. Doctorate Thesis, University of Yaounde I. 282p
49. NOUVELOT J.F  (1971): Hydrologie du Bassin supérieur du Noun. ORSTOM, Yaoundé. 315p
50. Olivry, J.C (1996) : Hydrologie du Lac Tchad, ORSTOM, Paris. 266 p
51. PANGMASHI R.F (1999): Agricultural activities and its impact on the environment: case study, Ndop-Ngoketunjia Division (N.W.P). DI.P.E.S II dissertation, University of Yaounde I. 175p
52. RAMADE.F (1981): Ecologie des ressources naturelles, Masson, Paris. 322p
53. Ramsar Convention Bureau (2000):   Integrating wetland conservation and wise use of wetlands, Gland, Switzerland, 341 p
54. Ramsar Convention Bureau (2000): Framework for managing wetlands of international importance and other wetlands, in Ramsar Handbook 8 for the wise use of wetlands, RCB, Gland, Switzerland, p.p. 12-58.
55. ROBERT. B (1997) : Programme national de recherche sur la dynamique de la biodiversité. C.N.R.S. 17p
56. ROLF A. de BY, RICHARD A.KNIPPERS AND YOLA GEORGIADOU (2004): Principles of geographic information systems, ITC educational textbook series, third edition, Enschede, Holland. 226 p.
57. RUIZ-PEREZ (2001): Bamboo forestry in China: towards environmentally friendly expansion, Journal of Forestry, 99(7). 22p
58. S.E.D.A  (1973) : Etude de facticité pour passage à 3000ha de rizières dans la Haute- vallée du Noun, S.E.D.A. Tome 2, Bamenda. 117p
59. SHELLMAN, D. (1996) : ‘ Community based wetland management;  the Caddo Lake Institute, Texas: a case study’ in Proceeding of the 6th conference of the COP, Technical session F vol. 10/F, Gland, Switzerland, RCB, pp. 37-43.
60. SUCHEL J.B (1972): La répartition des pluies et les régimes pluviométriques au Cameroun: contribution a l’étude des climats de l’Afrique Tropicale, C.N.R.S, Talence. 256p
61. Tanteh, G.C.(2004): The evolution and impact of fishing activities on Bambalang, Ndop Central Sub division: a historical perspective, 1910-2004, maitrise dissertation, dept. History, University of Yaounde 1. 106 p
62. Tchangang, N. E. (2004) : Untilisation de sol et problematique de le conservation des ressources ligneuses et des raphiales dans la chefferie Batoufam, department du Koung-Khi, dept. Geography, university of Dschang. 126 p
63. Tchindjang, M. (1997) : Le Bamiléké Central et ses bordures : morphologie régionale et dynamique des versants, tome 2, Université de Paris 7.pp 356-720.
64. TURBAN.E (1994): Fundamentals of management science, 6th edition, IRWIN, California State University. 914 p
65. U.N.V.D.A. (1984): Information for the Bamenda agro-pastoral show, agro-pastoral show brochure n°3., U.N.V.D.A. 19 p
66. U.N.V.D.A. (1991): Information for the Ebolowa agro-pastoral show, agro-pastoral show  brochure n°3., U.N.V.D.A. 21 p
67. VALONDENG. P. L (2000) : Inter-chiefdom relations between Bamunka and Bambalang in the 19th and 20th centuries. Maitrise dissertation, University of Yaounde I. 141p
68. Vlaar, J.C. & Zeppenfeldt, T. (1990) : Mise en valeur de bas-fonds en Afrique de l’Ouest, université agronomique de Wagenningen, Pays-Bas. 137 p
69. Voufo, D. (1984) : Elevage et maraichage dans la ville de Yaounde et ses environ, maitries dissertation,University of Yaounde. 121 p
70 WABO KUATE P. (2004) : La dégradation des raphiales et ses conséquences dans la région de Bandjoun, Ouest Cameroun. Maîtrise dissertation, University of Yaounde I. 102p
71. WANA. G. N (2003): Bamunka past and present (13th Century to 21st Century). 3rd Edition, Bamenda. 176p  
72. WHYNNE C.H. (1979): Elements of Human Geography, second edition, Academic Publishing. 315 p.   
73. WWF. (1999): The Ramsar Convention- A call for regional accession and implementation, WWF, Yaounde, Cameroon.  8 p.


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