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bushes at mid-day were seen to be almost identical to outdoor temperatures, (Mphoweh J.N,2005). These show that this ecosystem has been highly degraded in terms of its functions and values. In the same line, Raphia farinifera, which is another raphia species in this region have almost been completely destroyed.
The situation with date palms and Indian bamboos is almost similar. From interviews and observations on forest relics, (see figure 6) it was found out that these species once occupied large areas in the wetlands. The presence of a number of patches in this region, occupied by some of these plants proves that this is the kind of ecosystem which existed in this area. Photo 2 shows the situation with large trees like the Mahogany, which have been reduced only to a few patches.

Photo 2: Large trees isolated by anthropogenic activities.
Foreground, a: Maize plants cultivated around the area.
Background, b: Large isolated Mahogany tree at Bamessing.
Source: Mphoweh J.N .2007
Concerning the herbaceous species between 0-1m tall, their area of occupation is mostly around areas which have been converted to rice fields. Since these fields are under constant transformation, it is becoming rare to find large expanses of continuous wetland prairies as it was from the 1960s to 1970s. Transhumance, bush-burning and farming as will be seen later on, are a few factors that account for this change.
These changes reflect ecological transformations which justify why wetlands have degraded from here in terms of their values and functions. It also explains the loss in function of vegetation cover as a habitat for several fauna species; most areas are today replaced by single monoculture crops like rice, maize, coco yams, palm trees, fruit trees amongst others. Most of these crops are seasonal and dry up within a few months, making way to other activities which are detrimental to any natural vegetation regeneration process.
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